NOCA Collaborators & Supporters

We are grateful for the on-going collaboration and support of the following individuals who are contributing to making NOCA a reality:


Videography: Tristan Cohen,

Videography: Trevor J. Francis,

Post-Production: Michael Ofori-Attah, Jake Heise, and Saints Editorial (Toronto, Canada)

Still Photography: Trevor J. Francis, and Paul DaCosta

Additional Photography: Eli Ramirez Vargas & Wentyn Arguedas (Surfing Nosara)

Dani Attar

Kuki Araya 

Wentyn Arquedas

Emily Arnold

Steven Alvarez Mora  

Lee Baily 

Genny Barquero

Vanessa Bezy  

Michael Bradley

Brian & Tammy Brown

Kyle Bombard 

Roberto Brenes 

Rich Burnam 

Maria Isabel Caceres Casique

Barry & Debra Campbell

Emma Canarick

Carlos Clemente 

Catherine Cowan 

Craig Cohen

Tristan Cohen

Paul DaCosta 

Mayte Deliyore-Rodriguez

Peter Drummond

Javier Espinach

Jorge Luis Gomez

Andres Fernandez

Tali Ferszt

Kennya Fonsaca

Trevor Francis

Javier Gallegos

Emilie Ghilaga 

Monica Guadalupe Ramos 

Jake Heise 

Doug Ingersol

Carroll Ivy

Lee Jacobson

Jim & Jill Kavanagh 

Nick Kerchum 

Tanya Kololian

Mya Kotalac 

Jerusha Kramer

Phyllis Kramer

Elizabeth Lenell-Davies

Steve Mack

Gabriel Maldonado

Keiri Marchena

Jane Nixon

Daniela Obando

Michael Ofori

Luis Pardo

Lety Prendas

Eli Ramirez Vargas

Steve Rogers

Dani Rojas

Jessica Sheffield

Elena Soni

Eduardo Trejos

Grettel Vargas

Alex Viau

Guillaume Viau

Eduardo Villafranca 

Manuel Yglesias

Dan Yamasaki

Jacqueline West

NOCA would also like to acknowledge the tremendous support of these organizations which continue to support us through this journey. You inspire us to keep pushing forward for the benefit of this amazing community.